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Unpack List in Column Pandas: The Ultimate Guide!

Have you ever been stuck with a column in Pandas where the values are lists? Have you ever wondered how to unpack them and convert them into separate columns? If so, you're in the right place!

Unpacking lists in Pandas is a fundamental skill that every data scientist should master. It enables you to convert complex nested lists into separate columns, allowing you to manipulate your data more efficiently.

But how do you unpack lists in Pandas? And what are the best practices when doing so? In this ultimate guide, we'll answer all these questions and more.

Let's dive in!

What are Lists in Pandas?

Before we start unpacking lists, let's first understand what they are in Pandas.

Lists are a type of data structure in Pandas that can store multiple objects of different data types. They can be used to represent arrays of values, hierarchical data, and much more.

For example, let's say you have a dataframe with a column that contains a list of values:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'Column A': [['a', 'b'], [1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]})

The df dataframe would look like this:

    Column A
0   [a, b]
1   [1, 2]
2   [3, 4, 5]

As you can see, the Column A values are lists of different lengths.

Why Unpack Lists in Pandas?

While lists in Pandas can be a convenient way to store complex data types, they can also make it more challenging to manipulate your data.

For instance, if you wanted to sort your dataframe by elements of the list within the column, you would have to write a complicated lambda function to sort them properly. Similarly, plotting or aggregating this data can become tricky with lists at times.

That's why unpacking lists in Pandas can be helpful. It can make your data more manageable by converting it into separate columns.

How to Unpack Lists in Pandas

Now that you understand why you should unpack lists in Pandas, let's learn how to do it. There are two popular methods for unpacking a list in Pandas. The first method is by using the apply function, and the second method is by using the join function.

Unpacking Lists Using the Apply Function

The apply function is one of the most versatile functions in Pandas, which can be used for various operations. For unpacking lists in a column, we’ll be using the apply function along with the pd.Series method.

df[['First', 'Second']] = df['Column A'].apply(pd.Series)

The resulting dataframe would look like this:

    Column A    First   Second
0   [a, b]      a       b
1   [1, 2]      1       2
2   [3, 4, 5]   3       4

As shown above, the apply function split the list into separate columns and converted it into a pandas series object.

Unpacking Lists Using the Join Function

The join method is another way to unpack a list in pandas. In this method, we use a str method that turns the list into a string then split it on the delimiter and join columns by separating them with a delimiter.

df['Column A'].str.join('|').str.split('|', expand=True)

The result displayed will look similar to the previous method:

    0   1   2
0   a   b   NaN
1   1   2   NaN
2   3   4   5

Which Method Should You Use?

Both methods of unpacking lists have their pros and cons. The apply method is faster compared to the join method, but it might not be the best option for large data sets. The join method is slower but more versatile and can be used to pluck multiple columns from sub-nested lists within the data.

Which method you use will, therefore, depend on your specific use case and the size of your dataframe.

Best Practices for Unpacking Lists in Pandas

Now that we've learned how to unpack lists in Pandas let's talk about some best-practices you should follow.

Decide on Your End Result

Before you unpack a list in pandas, you should have a clear idea of what your end result should look like. This will help you choose the best method for unpacking your list as the join method is better suited for sublists with multiple columns.

Handle Missing Values

When unpacking lists in pandas, you will likely encounter missing values. It's essential to understand how to handle these values effectively to avoid corrupting your data.

For instance, if your list has fewer elements than its fixed length, the function will produce null values for the remaining columns. Here, you might consider retaining the original column's name with all the missing values present.

Use Data types Wisely

Unpacking lists will result in creating new columns in data frames. If you don't specify the data type of these new columns, Pandas will infer it for you based on its best guess from the data, leading to slow and unpredictable behaviours.

It's, therefore, crucial to specify the desired data types when unpacking lists and assigning data to the new columns. This will make your code more efficient, more readable and prevent issues with the data type in column operations.


Unpacking lists in Pandas can be a powerful tool for data scientists to manipulate complex data. We hope this ultimate guide has been able to help you learn the ins and outs of unpacking lists in Pandas.

Remember to follow best practices such as deciding on your end result, handling missing values effectively, and using data types wisely. By doing so, you'll be able to unlock the full potential of Pandas effortlessly.

Happy coding!

import BeehiivEmbed from '../../components/BeehiivEmbed';

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